true Electric heaters: ELECTROWATT - Legal notice

Legal notice


Legal notice

Site editor

The site is edited by ELECTROWATT,
Stock company with capital of 350 000 €,
Head office:  9 rue de la Gare, 67130 MUHLBACH sur BRUCHE,
SIRET number 329 704 860 00017.

Copyright ELECTROWATT 2006-2010

Director of publication : M. Alexandre ZIMINSKI

Design and Hosting :

Hosting of the site is provided by the Homo futuris agency, whose servers are located at OVH.

Protection of Personal Data

The information concerning the user is for the in-house use of Electrowatt. In no case will Electrowatt disclose it to third parties for advertising or promotion.

Users are however advised that, pursuant to Article 27 of the Data Protection Act of 6th January 1978, the answers to any forms on the site, including those allowing the user to submit his details to receive documentation or to download brochures, or subscribe to services offered on the site, may be operated by the company Electrowatt, and he has a right to access and correction of this data by writing to Electrowatt.

Author's copyright

The data published and the brands mentioned on are the exclusive property of their respective owners. Any total or partial reproduction of these texts, drawings, images, trademarks and / or logos, made using parts of the site without the express permission of the owners is prohibited, within the meaning of Article L. 713-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property.


Electrowatt, and any third party involved in creating this site, give no guarantee, express or implied, and assume no liability for the use of this publication. As such, they may not be liable to a user or any other party, for any direct or indirect damage, special or incidental arising from the use of this site or another site connected by a hyperlink.

Some information and data available on the site may be produced by third persons: Electrowatt undertakes, to the best of its ability, to ensure a reliable, relevant, accurate and complete, character, but cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information and / or the presence of viruses on its site. The nature of any feedback shall be deemed non-confidential and free of any restriction. Unless expressly agreed, Electrowatt, may freely use the ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such communication to all intents and purposes, without limitation, to reproduce and disclose any information to third parties.